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Group Quest is back as Hasteur, DeGei, and special guest Legracen of the Chaos Portal Podcast return to discuss the 5.3 PTR, non combat pets, Hearthstone, and more.
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Community Topics:
- World of Warcraft Forums: I love it.
- All Things Azeroth: Alt History: What if Jaina Became the Lich Queen?
- The Grumpy Elf: 5.3 Makes Me Wonder
- Typhoon Andrew: Are patches coming too fast? (wowinsider)
- Mama needs Mana: Why Hearthstone Is A Smart Move
- The Big Bear Butt: Winner of the “Best Idea I Heard Today” Award
- The Crimson Hammer: Ma Ma Ma My Monara
Show Links:
- Email the show
- Facebook: Check out the show’s Facebook Group
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