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Group Quest is back as Hasteur, DeGei, and Gulvan sit down to talk about shelved ideas, theorycrafting, leaks, and more.
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Community Topics:
- WoW Insider: Dance Studio and Abyssal Maw shelved, not cancelled
- MMO Champion: General Nazgrim Preview, Dev Interviews, Aug 27 Raid Testing, Blue Posts, News Recap
- Wowhead: 5.4 PTR Patch Notes: Updated August 27th, Build 17337 Spell Changes
- MMO Champion: Visions of Time: Hidden Threads, Dev Interviews, Blue Posts, Cinder Kitten Sale, Art
- WoW Insider: Dawn of the Aspects paperback coming in November
- BlizzPro: Warcraft Movie Update!
- Wowhead: Patch 5.4 Trinket Preview, RPPM and Scaling Details
- The Grumpy Elf: What If: Blizzard Gave You Everything You Wanted?
- WoW Insider: Warcraft and its “Joker Problem”
- The Big Bear Butt: A Massive Pile of Steaming Bull$***… Or Is It?
- Typhoon Andrew: 5 or 10 levels in the next expansion?