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Group Quest is back as Hasteur, DeGei, and Special guest Mazzlu from Lorewalker’s Roundtable sit down to talk about about Future Expansions, Future Raids, and more.
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Community Topics:
- WoW Insider: WoW account hackers sentenced to 2 years in Chinese prison
- MMO Champion: Developer Interviews, New Character Models, Blue Tweets, Blizzard Holiday Art
- WoWHead: Editorial: Holiday Updates in Mists of Pandaria
- Future Expansion
- WoW Insider: Community Blog Topic: Pitch your World of Warcraft expansion
- Still Searching: After Warlords: Your Warcraft Expansion
- The White Pine Journal: A War of Ideals
- Sportsbard: Community Blog Topic: Pitch your World of Warcraft expansion
- The Exodar Sisters: World of Warcraft: the Ebon Insurrection
- World of Lae: World of Warcraft: Secrets of Argus (Community Blog Topic)
- Cogitationes Astalnaris: Fury of the Lich Queen
- The Ornery Raid Leader: What Would My Next Expansion Be?
- WoWcrendor: If Fans Created the WoW Expansion
- The Big Bear Butt: Massive Soapbox – Impressionable Youth