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Group Quest is back as Hasteur, DeGei, and Gulvan sit down to talk about subscriber levels, PTR Notes, Arthas Menethil, and more.
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Community Topics:
- MMO Champion: WoW Up to 7.8 Million Subscribers
- BlizzPro: Blizzard Store Re-opens as Blizzard Gear
- WoWHead: 5.4.7 PTR Patch Notes: Updated February 3rd
- MMO Champion: Patch 5.4.7 PTR – Build 17859, 5.4.2 Hotfixes, EU Connected Realms Update and FCM
- WoW Insider: Patch 5.4.7 arrival imminent as season 14 end is announced
- WoW Insider: Patch 5.4.2 hotfixes for February 5
- WoW Insider: Patch 5.4.7 PTR: Alterac Valley changes
- WoW Insider: Warlords of Draenor: Visual clutter to be reduced
- MMO Champion: Patch 5.4.7 – Dread Raven Mount, Blue Tweets, Setup of the Month
- Watcher Twitter
- Power Word Remix: Four Reasons Why Med’An Is Awful And Should Never Return