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Group Quest is back as the teams sits down with Mazzlu of Lorewalker’s Roundtable to talk about Jaraxxus, the Alpha, the Warforged Nightmare, and more.
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Show Notes
- WoW Insider: Warlords of Draenor: Secondary Stat Attunements
- WoW Insider: Warlords of Draenor: New plushie Battle Pet
- MMO Champion: The Gaze of the Black Prince Be Upon You – Legendary Quest Rep and Drop Rate Buff
- MMO Champion: Gorgrond Zone Preview, June 17 Hotfixes, Blue Posts, WoD Pre-Purchase, Blizzard Art
- MMO Champion: Alpha Patch Notes – June 18 Update, Blue Posts, Blue Tweets, The Voice of Gazlowe
- WoWHead: Warforged Nightmare Mount Now Available In-Game For $30, WoD Changes to Razorfen Downs
- WoW Insider: Warlords of Draenor: Build your own fel reaver
- Doubleagent, the Insane
- Kage Satsuki: This is obviously a very important @Warcraft feature of #WarlordsOfDraenor. #poopjokes
- The Grumpy Elf: 10 Reason I Will Not Get an Alpha or Beta Invite
- The Grumpy Elf: Reagent Bank, Toy Box, Void Storage and Stack Size… Sometimes The Little Things are the Best
- The Grumpy Elf: Warforged Nightmare: No Thank You.
- The Grumpy Elf: The Joke of The Black Prince Is Upon You
- The Grumpy Elf: Limited Time Buffs: What is Next?