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Group Quest is back as Hasteur, DeGei, and Gulvan sit down to talk about the 10th anniversary, Lords of War, a poor choice in words, and more.
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Show Notes
- WoW Insider: The Undermine Journal returns
- WoWHead: WoD Beta: Level 3 Garrison Profession Buildings, New Loading Screens, Mounts, 6.0.2 PTR Soon
- WoWHead: 10th Anniversary Celebration from 11/21 – 1/06, New Beta Build Soon, Alterac Pup 40% Off
- MMO Champion: Warlords of Draenor Beta – Build 18850
- WoWHead: Warlords UI Updates, Lords of War: Durotan, Complete Guide to Faction Hubs
- BlizzPro: Check Your Email: BlizzCon Barcodes Are On The Way
- WTBGold: Why You’ll Pay 2,000 Gold For Gems in Warlords of Draenor
- The Grumpy Elf: The Tanaan Entry Experience Should Be a Solo Scenario.
- Apple Cide Mage: Not a Photograph, But a Mirror: Sexism, World of Warcraft, and Gaming Communities