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Group Quest is back as Hasteur, DeGei, and Gulvan sit down to talk about Art, Raid Racing, Azeroth Choppers, and more.
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Show Notes
- MMO Champion: Artcraft – Blood Elf Update
- WoW Insider: PSA: Beware the Hearthstone Strategy Guide and Supreme Manual of Dance
- WoW Insider: Maintenance extended until 1 p.m. PST [UPDATE: 3 p.m.]
- WoW Insider: Hearthstone’s Goblins vs Gnomes launches December 8
- MMO Champion: Argi the Inter-goat-lactic Pet and Grinning Reaver Mount Now on Sale, Hotfixes for Dec 3rd
- Reddit: WoW Developer AMA (Synopsis)
- WoW Progress
- MMO Champion: Garrison Addons
- The Grumpy Elf: Blizzard Takes 1 Free Day Back
- Doodlegnome: On Azeroth Choppers