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Group Quest is back as Hasteur, DeGei, and Gulvan sit down to talk about Followers, Patch 6.1 PTR, things learned in WoW, and more.
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Show Notes
- WoW Insider: Haunted Memento nerfed for server stability
- WoWHead: January 9th Hotfixes, Big Crates of Salvage Stack, Blue Posts on Haunted Memento and Tier 18 Design
- WoW Insider: New garrison NPC in patch 6.1 will sell you missed followers
- WoW Insider: WoW 10th anniversary ending early, Blizzard working on a fix [Updated]
- WoWHead: 6.1 PTR: Garrison Missions, Legendary Follower, Items, Battle Pets, Mounts, Spell Changes
- Disciplanary Action: Running Azeroth: A Treadmill Warcraft Workout
- Adventures in Poor Taste: 5 things I’ve learned from playing World of Warcraft
- The Grumpy Elf: What if: 30 Days Game Time: How Much Would It Be Worth?