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Group Quest is back as Hasteur, DeGei, and Gulvan sit down to talk about Raids, PAX East, Macros, and more.
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Show Notes
- WoWHead: 2015 Lunar Festival Guide (Feb 16 – March 2)
- MMO Champion: Patch 6.1 Release Date, Feb 17 Hotfixes, Patch 6.1 PTR – Build 19634
- BlizzardWatch: Overwatch teases PAX East reveals on Twitter
- BlizzardWatch: Bosses in 5 seconds: Blackrock Foundry LFR – The Slagworks
- MMO Champion: Iron Docks Quest Hub Delayed, Lunar Festival, Mythic BRF, Blue Tweets, InstaDoom
- MMO Champion: Patch 6.1 on the Background Downloader, Mythic BRF, Apexis Changes, Blue Tweets
- MMO Champion: Mythic Blackhand World First – Method
- The Grumpy Elf: The Power of Macros or Wow, I Didn’t Know You Could Do That