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Group Quest is back as DeGei and Gulvan sit down to talk about Blackrock Foundry, Heroes of the Strom, Item upgrades, Arts, and more.
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Show Notes
- Blizzard Watch: Blizzard raises Blackrock Foundry item levels UPDATED
- BlizzardWatch: Legacy of the Void beta in two weeks
- BlizzardWatch: Blackrock Mountain Adventure available for preorder!
- MMO Champion: Armory Stats – Ashran, Blue Tweets, New Heroes Skins and Mounts, Blizzard Art Update
- BlizzardWatch: BlizzCrafts: A cavalcade of Pepes
- BlizzardWatch:
- Wardrobes of Draenor: None of my yesterdays – A Serial / Part 2 / Part 3
- Magus of Umbra: Wishing Fountain
- Cardcast: “_ Against Azeroth” A Cards against Humanity expansion (NSFW)