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Group Quest is back as Hasteur, DeGei, and Gulvan sit down to talk about 6.2 PTR, Timewalker dungeons, armor sets, wibbly wobbly timelines, and more.
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Show Notes
- Patch 6.2 PTR
- MMO Champion: Patch 6.2 PTR – Build 19890
- Blizzard Watch: Patch 6.2 PTR: Access to Tanaan Jungle will be gated
- WoWHead: Hellfire Citadel Build 19906: Loot Tables, Dungeon Journal, Bosses, Achievements
- Blizzard Watch: Patch 6.2: Timewalker dungeons lower your item level to run old content
- Blizzard Watch: Patch 6.2: No mention of flying in Draenor … yet
- Blizzard Watch: Patch 6.2 models and maps datamined
- Blizzard Watch: Patch 6.2: 6,000 garrison resources required to enter Tanaan Jungle
- Blizzard Watch: Patch 6.2: Hellfire Citadel raid testing begins April 17
- WoWHead: BlizzCon Virtual Ticket Buyers Can Purchase Goody Bags, New PTR Build Soon
- Blizzard Watch: Hearthstone for iPhone and Android phone available today!
- Blizzard Watch: No separate WCS Arena Tickets for BlizzCon 2015
- Blizzard Watch: Warcraft movie trailer may premiere before Jurassic World
- Blizzard Watch: Know Your Lore, Tinfoil Hat Edition: Time as a river