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Group Quest is back as Hasteur, DeGei, and Gulvan sit down to talk about subscriber numbers, Patch 6.2, Heroes of the Storm, and more.
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Show Notes
- WoWHead: WoW Down to 7.1 Million Subscribers in Q1 2015, New Blizzard Merchandise, State of PvP
- Blizzard Watch: Patch 6.2 PTR: Felblight replaces Felblood as new crafting material
- MMO Champion: Patch 6.2 PTR – Build 19973
- Blizzard Watch: Blizzard Gear store is back and Blizzard Watch has your discount code
- Heroes Nexus: Kael’thas and Johanna Datamined – Full Ability List, Video Previews, VOs, Promo Rewards, Profile Portrait Borders, and More
- Blizzard Watch: Kael’thas is the newest addition to Heroes of the Storm
- Blizzard Watch: Heroes of the Storm Retail Starter Pack announced
- MMO Champion: Mystic Runesaber Mount Arrives on May 13