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Group Quest is back as Hasteur, DeGei, and Gulvan sit down to talk about 6.2 release date, Hellfire citadel, SDCC exclusives, and more.
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Show Notes
- MMO Champion: Patch 6.2 – Fury of Hellfire Arrives June 23, Boar Animations, Patch 6.2 PTR Update
- MMO Champion: Garrison Campaign Rewards and Gladiator Mounts, Blue Tweets, SWTOR, Wildstar, DLC
- Blizzard Watch: Patch 6.2 Q&A followup with Ion Hazzikostas
- WoWHead: 6.2 Hellfire Citadel Raid Schedule
- Blizzard Watch: The legendary ring quest continues in Tanaan
- Ask Mr Robot: Patch 6.2 Mega Gear Summary
- Heroes Nexus: New Heroes Confirmed: Leoric, Monk; 100% Experience Boost; Johanna Price Reduction
- WoWHead: Blizzard SDCC 2015 Exclusives: Funko Murlocs, Nexus Whelpling Plush, and More
- WoWHead: News Roundup: Character Name Reclamation, Blizzard Patch 6.2 Sale, Bastion of Shadows Guides