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Group Quest is back as Hasteur, DeGei, and Gulvan sit down to talk about 6.2 experiences, a cinematic spoiler, and more.
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Show Notes
- Blizzard Watch: Getting started with the garrison shipyard and finding oil
- MMO Champion: Hellfire Citadel – Archimonde Defeat Cinematic SPOILERS
- MMO Champion: Token Drop Rates, Master Plan Updated, June 24 Hotfixes, Blue Posts, 6.2 Recap Video
- Blizzard Watch: The Instance podcast hosts Q&A with lead game designer Cory Stockton
- Blizzard Watch: Patch 6.2 guide to ship equipment for naval missions
- WoWHead: 2015 Midsummer Fire Festival Guide (June 21 – July 5)
- Heroes Nexus: Malthael’s Phantom – Diablo 3 Cross-Promotional Heroes Mount
- WoWHead: Timewalking Holiday and Guides, Hellfire Citadel Trash is Personal Loot, Itemization Hotfixes