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Group Quest is back as Hasteur, DeGei, and Gulvan sit down to talk about LEGION, Heroes of the Storm, Rexxar, Hearthstone, Overwatch, and more.
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Show Notes
- WoWHead: Q2 2015 Results: WoW Down to 5.6 Million Subscribers
- Legion
- World of Warcraft Cinematic Teaser (Gul’dan’s task)
- World of Warcraft: Legion – Feature Overview
- WoWHead: World of Warcraft: Legion Expansion Announcement
- Classes of World of Warcraft:
Demon Hunter - Blizzard Watch: Legion gives each class and spec artifact weapons of untold power
- Icy Veins: WoW: Legion details at gamescom: Interview with Tom Chilton & Ion Hazzikostas
- BlizzPlanet: Gamescom 2015 World of Warcraft : Legion interview with Tom Chilton & Ion Hazzikostas
- @attlerezauri
- WoWHead: Wowhead Weekly #46: Legion News, New Character Slot, Interviews, Blizzard Costume Contest
- Blizzard Watch: Allied Commanders co-op mode coming to StarCraft 2: Legacy of the Void
- Heroes Nexus: Monk Images Leaked
- Blizzard Watch: Three new heroes and a new map coming to Heroes of the Storm
- Blizzard Watch: New Heroes skins and mounts from Gamescom
- Blizzard Watch: Jousting mechanic coming to Hearthstone’s Grand Tournament
- Blizzard Watch: Overwatch’s new hero Lucio and two new maps revealed
- Blizzard Watch: Overwatch added to Battle.net Launcher
- Blizzard Watch: Rob Pardo: “People are even avoiding the term MMO”< /a>
- MMO Champion: Patch 6.2.1 PTR – Build 20363, August 5 Hotfixes, Heroes and Hearthstone Announcement
- The Grumpy Elf: I Won’t Pass Judgement Yet But…
I am so looking forward to Legion, i loved all TBC raids and the entire lore behind it all, hopefully with all the new artifact weps and extras this will be amazing! Julie.