Gulvan and Joe discuss the EA/FIFA split, lack of AAA games this year, Activision Blizzard issues happening again, and Playstation Plus membership fiasco.
EA & FIFA split after 30 years
EA is making a Lord of the Rings game
Starfield and Redfall Delayed 2023
Deadspace Remake Delayed
Switch 2 Comments from Nintendo President
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Activison Diversity Tool for Overwatch 2 / COD characters pre release download for ow2 as well
City of New York is suing Activison Blizzard
The final raid for WoW Burning Crusade Classic is released
WOWUp to find new hosts
Dragonflight Novel Set for 11/22/22
MidWinter Calls it quits
SK Pieces no longer RWF
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Thieves break into vintage game store
Yugioh is helping Konami have a great year
Switch online President wants to retain value
Summer 2022 Release Dates
Cannot Stack Playstation plus memberships