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Group Quest is back as Hasteur, DeGei, and Gulvan sit down with Medros (of All Things Azeroth) and Anne Stickney (of Blizzard Watch) to talk about Legendaries, Heroes of the Storm, Contest Winners, and more.
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Show Notes
- Blizzard Watch: World of Warcraft hotfixes for May 11
- Blizzard Watch: Watcher addresses Legendary ring concerns
- Geek News Central: Banned WoW Player Posts Petition on WhiteHouse.Gov
- WoWHead: VentureBeat Interview with Ion “Watcher” Hazzikostas, Archimonde Transmog Loot
- Heroes Nexus: Heroes of the Storm World Championship Announced!
- Diablo 3: Debunking the Cowspiracy
- Blizzard Watch: Leeroy Jenkins turns 10 years old today
- Ask Mr Robot: Team Optimizer Testing: In-Game Looting
- Blizzard Watch: Brighten your day with KageSatsuki’s druid doodles