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Group Quest is back as Hasteur, DeGei, and Gulvan sit down with Lorewalker Sol of Lorewalker’s Roundtable talk about Gamescom announcements, the timing of Blizzcon, the content of Blizzcon, and more.
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Show Notes
- MMO Champion: Warlords Special Event at Gamescom, Heart of the Valorous, July 29 Beta Notes Update
- MMO Champion: Artcraft – Updated Facial Customization
- WoW Insider: Blizzard seeks targeted feedback on beta quest bottlenecks
- MMO Champion: The Alliance Chopper Is Riding into Azeroth!
- WoWHead: Alliance Chopper Appears, Blizzard Clarifies Several Warlords Misconceptions
- WoWHead: Warlords of Draenor Official Beta Patch Notes for August 1
- MMO Champion: Warcraft Movie – Animated Logo and Teaser Description
- WoW Insider: Around Azeroth: Battle without honor or humanity
- WoW Insider: Heart of the Valorous returns this weekend
- WoW Insider:
- Cogitationes Astalnaris: Blizzard’s Lies about Tanaan Jungle
- File Under Feral: New Level 100 Talent – Claws of Shirvallah
- The Grumpy Elf: Mob Sharing: My Opinion